Q&A Day – Here’s a question that was asked in a Facebook Group. “Please tell me there is a point where you end up making more than you spend??? Booth renters weigh in please

Maybe this is a question you've asked yourself. Unfortunately, this is a common thread/theme within many Facebook discussion groups: how to build a clientele, how to market yourself without discounting your services, how to set your prices correctly and when to raise them, how to deal with clients, how to get referrals, make more money, operating systems, etc.

You've been blessed with a wonderful gift and talent for making people look and feel beautiful. But like a great book says, "Man can not live by bread alone." To be successful you must take your gift and put it together with great business knowledge and good systems to achieve greater success. You can never simply style your way to success.

Our Industry is such a great industry to be a part of. There are NO limits on the amount of income you can earn or the quality of life you can have. So many of us are living so far below what we are meant and capable of having. This is a MULTI-BILLION Dollar Industry and we're operating like someone who goes to the ocean with a teaspoon... The vast majority of cosmetology programs aren't designed and don't teach you what you need to know to operate a business successfully. And once we get out of school, we never take not 1 business class.

If you haven't taken business classes recently or ever, I encourage you to please do so. Whether it's my coaching or not. Those who have great success in business and life, the ones you see on stage, or classes you aspire to be a part of, and company's you admire, are no different than you. They simply understand that this isn't about doing some hair. This is a business and like any it requires learning how to do business well. Success leaves clues. Don't go the ocean with a teaspoon, learn how to do business well and live a great life.

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