Do You Have Enough Clients to Survive?

To be successful in business, all you have to do is...sell enough services and products to enough people at prices high enough.

That's all...Easier said than done, right?

So, do you have enough clients to survive?

Here are several steps you can take to not only survive but thrive in your business:

1. Set a goal by determining how much money you need to make. It's impossible to hit a target that doesn't exist. Take a look at all your living expenses and your business expenses and do the math to figure out how many clients you have to do per month to cover your business and personal expenses. Now, be sure to include how much of a profit you'd like to make. Let's say you need to make an additional $2,000 per month to reach your goal.  If your average client spends $75 with you per visit and comes once month, you'll need 27 more clients. Let this number become the goal for the number of people you need to add to your appointment schedule for the month.

2. Next, grab a clean sheet of paper and make a list of everyone in your "powerbase". Your powerbase is every contact in your cellphone, every email contact, and everyone you come in contact with your daily life including family, friends, business colleagues, organizations you are a part of, members of your neighborhood or community, and people you purchase products and services from. You'll be surprised how many people you know who are NOT getting their services from you. These contacts are the best place to start when it comes to filling up your appointment book.

3. Think "marketing strategy." Now that you have a list of people to contact, here's where entrepreneurs go from being a "wanna-be" to a "boss".  Determine what makes your service or product different, what problems issues or challenges do you solve for your clients, and what benefits will they receive by doing business with you. Make a really easy marketing message. Here's mine..."I help small business owners and entrepreneurs get more clients, make more money, live their dreams."

4. "Network". Here's where the rubber meets the road. Now, it's time to network. Since you need an additional 27 clients. The rule of thumb is about 1 out of 10 people you network with will become a client. So, in this case be prepared to network with 270 people from your powerbase. Call, text, email or talk with in person 3 to 5 people a day. Once you contact them, put their name at the bottom of the list so can reach out again later and keep rotating. Change up how you communicate with them. Don't forget to ask for at least 1 referral from each person.

These few steps will put you far ahead of the competition and lead you to great success.

Be You!

P.S. If you're looking for more in-depth, REAL-WORLD, NO-BS strategies, tools and information to take your business to the next level, click the link below to join me and social media and branding expert, Alease Michelle for The Business Breakthrough Experience...





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