4 Brilliant Ways to Use Promotions For Your Salon Business

Well, the holiday season is upon us! For some of us, this is an exciting time. For others of us, this is a time of anxiety. You may be wondering how many people will reschedule during this season? Will I be able to keep up with the demand? What will happen after the holiday season is over? Will I make as much as I want to end the year on a high note? These are all very good questions. So, to help you have a strong holiday season and make the most of the beginning of the new year, here reasons why you should be using promotions and how.

Promotions are a great way to ramp up service and product sales, build your clientele and/or increase salon traffic. Promotions allow you to stimulate sales without adjusting your prices up and down.

1. Write your promotion objective. What behavior do you want to encourage or see happen as a result of your promotion. In other words, what do you want you clients to do? Do you want more referrals? Would you like your current clients to come in more often through the holiday season and first quarter of next year? Do you want them to spend more through gift certificates? Once you know what you want to happen, plan your promotion accordingly.

2. Show your appreciation. The holiday season is an excellent time to show your appreciation to your guests for allowing you to be their stylist. A great idea is to provide a discount or free service that can be redeemed in January or February. Why? For many of us, these two months are a slow time of year. So, this is a great to thank them but also have them come back during the slow times.

3. Make your guests' holiday shopping easy. Don't forget, this may be a stressful time for your clients. Make holiday shopping easy for them. Put together some really neat product packages with great pricing. You might even consider putting a card in with the package for a free consultation or video that shows the recipient how to use the products. Who knows, you might even get another referral.

4. Reconnect with long lost customers. The holiday season is good time to reconnect with guests you haven't talked or seen in a while. Send an email, card or note wishing them Happy Holidays and offering them an opportunity to get a deal on a service or product. They'll be very surprised that you thought of them during this time.

So, those are just a few ideas to promote your services and products. Let your mind go wild and explore ideas. No matter what you choose to do, the important thing is that you take control of driving your business and decide to do something. If you have some good ideas as well, please share, I'd love to hear them.

Happy Thanksgiving!





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